

Over 10+ years, we've helped 100+ creators generate millions in revenue and subscribers.


Sachit Gupta


10+ Years


Conscious Creators

Who We Help

We help podcasters, content creators, authors, and experts. We only work with creators who are already great at creating content, with an existing audience and a business that's making money.

Through our systems and proven process, we help them find the hidden profit centers in their business and unlock the next level of growth.

Our Core Values

  • Creator First
  • Exponential Impact
  • Focus on the Essentials
  • Play the Long Game
  • Do the Right Thing, Always
  • Have Fun Along The Way

Our Story


In 2011, I (Sachit Gupta) quit my corporate job and moved to San Francisco to start my own business. Over the first year, I talked to hundreds of people and companies to do marketing and learn their problems.

It was tough going until I found my niche β€” helping podcasters and creators make more money through sponsorships and growing their audience.

For example, I worked with a podcaster and took over their sponsorship and very quickly grew the business β€” 2X in a few months, 4X in a year and 10X to over $500,000+ in less than 5 years.

How I Ended Up Working With Tim Ferriss

During this time, I received an email from Tim Ferriss' people. Long-story short, he became a client and over 3 years, I managed paid media to help him massively scale his audience including helping launch two #1 NYT bestsellers, Tools of Titans and Tribe of Mentors. Working with Tim then led to working with Seth Godins' altMBA.

In late 2019, I started my own podcast, the Conscious Creators Show. Using what I’d learned about podcast growth and marketing, we launched a few experiments to accelerate it’s growth. It worked... we became #1 in entrepreneurship, #2 in business and #25 in the country within 30 days of launch.


Most recently, I built and ran the On Deck Podcaster Fellowship, where podcasters from around the world came together to learn from the best and hone their craft.

CreatorsMBA is a culmination of the past decade of work to share everything I've learned with creators worldwide.

.For the full story, check out Creators Crucible, where I go into more detail into the journey so far.

Feel free to ask any questions about the CreatorsMBA through email or Twitter.