


Make More Money, Grow Your Following and Scale Your Business Without Having a Huge Audience

We help podcasters, content creators, authors, and experts get off the content hamster wheel — more income, less overwhelm, audience growth that's predictable — so you can scale your creator-business sustainably without feeling like you're selling out.

You're already great at creating content, let us help you become great at the business of being a creator.



6-Figure Sponsorship Blueprint

Learn how to get premium sponsors, deliver massive ROI and create long-term partnerships to keep them coming back in 4 weeks.

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CreatorsMBA Accelerator

Custom mentorship program to help you grow your audience, create premium products and scale past 6-figure income and beyond.

Apply Now →

See What People Are Saying


"PSA for podcasters: Learn everything you can from Sachit. His advice on seeking and getting sponsorships is spot on."



"There are few people I know with more expertise on podcasting than Sachit. So much gold in this for podcasters and creators. It’s going to be so helpful to so many creators who want to level up, love it!"



“When it comes to Facebook advertising, it’s hard to find someone who can think strategically, but is also eager to roll up their sleeves to implement the nitty-gritty. Sachit has deep domain knowledge of how Facebook fits into the picture of what you’re trying to accomplish, what to expect, and nuances to be mindful of. In our experience, he cares relentlessly. He never phoned it in. He cares about his craft, about doing a great job, about thinking flexibly, about what’s best for the client.

— Seth Godins' altMBA

How Mark Created A New Product and Added $200,000+ in 2 Months Without Spending Money on Ads

Before the program, Mark wanted to experiment with paid media and getting sponsors. Instead, we helped him focus on doing a few things right. Within 2 months, Mark created a new product for his existing audience and added $200,000 in revenue. Since then, he's gone beyond 7-figures. Mark's story is a great example of how you don't need a big audience to be successful.

Mark Podolsky is the Founder and Host of The Land Geek.
How Tessa Quadrupled Sponsorship Rates While Closing Her Biggest Sponsorship Deal Within 6 Weeks

Before working together, Tessa had a solid foundation through content that resonated with her audience. But she was struggling to figure out the best way to monetize and work with sponsors. Within 6 weeks, Tessa completely changed her mindset on how to work with sponsors, quadrupled her rates and closed her biggest sponsorship deal.

Tessa Arias is the founder of Handle the Heat, a baking blog with 1M+ followers across social media.
How We Grew Mixergy Sponsorships from $50,000 to $500,000+ a Year

Mixergy was missing out on sponsorship opportunities and the advertising side of the business wasn’t working well, ads weren’t producing much revenue to the point where they wanted to shut ads down altogether. Over 5 years, we helped Mixergy grow sponsorship revenue 10X while reducing workload and helping the team partner with amazing companies.

Andrew Warner is the host of Mixergy where he's interviewed 2000+ entrepreneurs including the founders of Airbnb, Wikipedia and more.

Ready to break through the next level? Learn more and apply:



How to Get (and Keep) Sponsors — 5 Lessons from Millions in Ad Sales
Amplifying Creators: How to Monetize and Grow an Audience
Wall of Love — What Other Students Are Saying
Our Origin Story: Creators Crucible
Other Podcasts and Media
Feel free to ask any questions about the CreatorsMBA through email or Twitter.